Sunday, November 13, 2011

Children's Literature - Good Or Bad?

Children's Literature - Good Or Bad?

Pressure Cooker

A caring parent knows the importance of his or her child being able to read. Some parents begin reading to the child while the child is still inside the womb. This gives the infant the security of hearing the soft tones of the mother and father's voice. Even though the child has not been born as of yet the infant is familiar with the sound, words, and soothing tone of the voice reading the literature.

Then once the child has been born and the parents read to the infant, this does help the child when he or she begins school. The child is familiar with and can recognize words, and the sounds of the letters.

It is also just as important to pick the proper Literature for the child. In this day and time, it is difficult to choose what is good or bad for the child. One-way that many parents distinguish between the good and the bad literature. Is to read a chapter or two first if the text is disturbing to you or you feel uncomfortable just reading the text. Then this literature is not a good choice for you child's library.

Parents do not want to choose children's literature that is, over, wrought with violence for a bedtime story. This will surely give any child nightmares. Even children's books filled with ghosts and ghouls are not proper bedtime literature. The child should be relaxed not fearful if it is bedtime. The child should be entertained and learning if it is day time.

Parents should choose literature with stories and children resting and children at peaceful play. Stories filled with soft cuddly animals and teddy bears. Literature about angles and bible stories are excellent literature for any child. Family being together and having fun is a good choice as well.

It is important that parents choose good literature over improper literature that can influence their children in negative ways. It is just as important to choose literature filled with the proper characters and themes or lessons for the child to follow. Some good quality literature does still exist and even if the literature does not exist or you cannot choose. Then there is an alternative to fall back on.

Some parents write down their own stories using their child as the characters. By doing this, you are placing your child into the story and letting him or her decide what they should do in certain situations. This is a perfect way to teach your children; the proper values you wish for your child to learn. This also helps the parents to discover if his or her child is developing correctly mentally.

An example: If your child is in a story and faced with helping, a friend to do something that was wrong. You ask your child what he or she would do if this if they would help the friend yes or no. If your child says yes they would help the friend then you know your child needs help distinguishing between right and wrong. It is all up to you the parent to teach your child the difference between good and bad start with their literature.

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