Sunday, May 8, 2011

The science of pressure and Relief

I see more and more people are dying at a fast pace and pressed that the phrase "I'm too busy" or "I'm stressed out" finds its way into our everyday language as a community. My response to these observations has always been that "challenge your relationship with time and directly affect your health.

We have a great challenge before us in this 21st Century, and one might think that depression is nothing to you. But like cancer, where I'm sureWe all know someone who was afflicted with this disease. Depression is rearing its ugly head with increased strength, and provided that the structure of the fabric of our society in the 21st Century.

Pressure Cooker

We live in a society that needs many, many, in fact, that many of us in many ways and with a high cost at the first hurdle buckle. I have many and they all say, just in case I do not think of doing. Now it can happen to you, no matter how difficult and long-term you think you are.If you take the depression, you know, that something is wrong. You see, if the various requirements that come into our lives, whether from home, work or family, we are in a position or ability to meet these requirements, especially if you do not have access to or call the resource you need to meet these requirements.

However, if you have the resources to needs that can come from any area of ​​your life for justice, then you will see it as aChallenge, provided that the resources and capacity are doing. On the other hand, if you do not have the resources or the ability of these requirements will be perceived to counter a threat. This perceived threat has created and creates an internal pressure and the pressure has to do something or go somewhere or be channeled in some way.

If the pressure increases over time and does not move in exile, which usually surfaces in many unpleasant events, such assuch as anger or dis-ease, especially when the offset pressure source and the source can not be hard to find, especially if it is wrapped in a multitude of symptoms, such as balls with a knot in it. To resolve a node and the other appears.

Our design still bears a human brain of mammals and reptiles that were with the man from the beginning of our presence and to avoid or manage the drivers of this part of the brain that controls our fight or flightThe responses and emotions is possible, but only with the right understanding, knowledge and practical application.

In a fast paced 21st century, many of us suffer under the stress of life and some depression and here I refer to the general depression / uni-polar, in contrast with bipolar depression or biological. He takes toll on many levels and with different carriers to the human spectrum that is emotionally, mentally, spiritually or physiologically oras a combination of these factors.

Many of us have experienced anxiety, stress, waiting, a wobbly here and there, the stress of many kinds, but in normal circumstances, we balanced reasoning and logic as a wedge to compensate for these stressors and powerful stave them off, or to exercise or interest shall, holidays and hobbies.

As many of you reading this have this feeling of anxiety that keep you awake at night or heavy feeling that you are expertsshoulder a burden or extremely concerned concerned about some aspects of your life or your family?

The problem here is that we are told and conditioned to tolerate the stress at a level higher and higher, without any regard for the great-driver in the brain of mammals and reptiles and the limbic system, our fight / flight responses and emotions controls.

Our way of life weakens our immune system and our ability to remove the internal pressure, which gradually grew over time andThis further affects our physiology and dislikes in many ways can the tragic and devastating without proper breaks.

But what is depression? Why is there such a stigma in our society about depression? That the basis of this growing epidemic? Because many people feel that there is something you can not open and no verdict will be pronounced? It is this free society of understanding and kindness and pulls in front of it, that depression still shy away from a social stigma, butWhy?

Now that many people of importance, the stigma of the disease made by the famous biographer of the history of scientists and politicians like Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln, who documented his battle with mood, behavior and misery suffered.

Depression occurs in people of all ages, sexes and backgrounds and exercises themselves unharmed.

Some facts

The World Health Organization found that depression2020 Disabler the second largest after cardiovascular diseases. [The author believes that this will happen soon]
Depression is common in the world that they are 120 million people and growing.
Depression is a major cause of disability in the world at many levels.
Depression can be reliably diagnosed and treated with proper care.
Less than 30% of people who have access to effective treatment and counseling.

The way we work, eat, sleepand generally in the conduct of our daily lives, many imbalances in small and sometimes large in the human system. We work long hours, eating on the run, eat nutritionally deficient foods, especially when we are stressed and running around like beavers with amphetamines in the sense that power is in sight.

Many of us suffer from sleep disorders, deficits, sometimes because of poor sleep hygiene. The foods we eat are contaminated or very elaborate, and many of us simply can not afford theexorbitant cost of organic food. This scenario assumes a cost and a cumulative effect that reduces immunity and reduce resistance to stress and dis-ease, which then creates a vibration of the system and discord, where dis-ease starts and problems begin to be. manifesto

It 'been tried for too many years of research to solve the mystery, depression, and I'm here at all forms of depression, bipolar to unipolar to talk about organic farming. One ofinteresting investigations on brain chemistry and anatomy of the brain neurotransmitters, and there are many of them, but the three most important ones are serotonin, which acts as a brake pedal, dopamine, which acts as an accelerator and norepinephrine.

What do neurotransmitters do?

In short, neurotransmitters send messages from one cell to another through the nervous system.

Let us take a snapshot of the neurotransmitter serotonin.

Serotonin has a huge influence on the brain;It 's a bit like a parent. It controls and sets the amount of regulation, so that the brake pedal. Serotonin regulates certain behaviors and discourages inappropriate and peace of mind when you are concerned or worried. Have you ever reached for a nice carbohydrate snack if you are worried or need comfort? This is because some carbohydrates to boost serotonin levels and make you feel relaxed and helps reduce anxiety and promote feelings of well being.

One of the quickest ways toMatch your mood for food to eat to change. For example, if a session and you must stay awake and alert, then you will need a high protein snack or meal, as this can promote your dopamine and keep you sharp and alert to ensure that the dopamine is known as an accelerator or accelerator pedal.

If you are deficient in serotonin that some behavioral characteristics, such as irritability, display, or you can reach, for certain drugs or drink excessively or go on an eating disorderBinge or increase your sexual activity. These are the bio-marker to note the lack of serotonin.

We always fear what they do not understand or know, or have research and reference if you have the opportunity to jump on neurotransmitter for this condition and have had the life experience of depression, then you can just reading and academic vision of this topic. This is why I have so much passion to take this issue into the human story and put it on so many aminternational radar as possible. There is nothing to fear for depression, is a stimulus-response, but is a poor but powerful tool for doing so.

I am passionate about raising awareness of depression in all its Member of the mainstream and the stigma and expose a lot of misunderstanding on this matter. Depression not be affected. E 'constantly increasing, and made his way across international borders, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

For many of you who havethe ability to deal with stressors of everyday life, and as long as you are right to be able to divert some of the pressure, much like a pressure cooker has a valve to ensure that the correct amount of pressure for the food to cook and amount released, you can manage a few wobbly or if you have a bad day at work or have a row with your partner or have had to come to grief. These factors are an integral part ofEvery day we must all fight.

But for some of the pressure and too much like the pressure cooker analogy, if this printing method is not shared pot in a constructive then, like food, you will eventually explode or implode when the human history in the kitchen with catastrophic consequences.

Lift your head from the pillow, lose interest in your career, or feel lethargic mentally and physically and if you feelthat do not move easily during the day and the day goes to you without any explanation, and you know that things do not vote, but I feel helpless to do something and then you have until the end, you can not go on long. How does this situation happen? There are a variety of trigger depressive episodes in mourning the loss of stimulation, damage, trauma to the changes happening in your life and the list goes on and on.

The good news is thatmany treatments to do the work in time and there is an increasing amount of research in neuroscience and brain chemistry and the search times, which shows that each of us on this planet, the current 6.5 billion people who have all, as the chemistry of the brain that is unique. E 'only as the fact that each of us has a distinct and unique impression.

This research is fascinating to see how it can change the way in which depression and treatment approaches and may be appliedtailored to each individual in such a way that is compatible with the way that the person is located.

Perhaps in future we electrode or brain implants that control our balance and chemistry of the brain, but until then, if you have or know someone who suffers from depression. Be patient, expand understanding and kindness, and to ensure that they have access to professional help in order to bring a little 'light in their darkness.

The science of pressure and Relief

fagor pressure cooker parts

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