Pressure Cooker Model - An Explanation For Tsunami, Earth Quakes Etc
Molecular Hydrology- The incredible journey of water molecules.
Water molecules are like mischievous urchins: hyper active, restless and mercurial. They can grow wings and fly like butterflies into the air or metamorphose into earthworms and burrow into the earth, eating up whatever comes in their way. The movement of these molecules may be invisible as in diffusion or osmosis; or gigantic like water falls and the mighty rivers in the continents or still mightier, like the rivers in the ocean called ocean currents. At present hydrology is restricted to the visible water in the surface of the continent. This is only a small fraction of the water contents of the continents.
Huge quantities of snow and ice are deposited above the snowline of mountains; a small part of this melts and flows through rivers during summer. But the major part of it remains locked up in the valleys in what is known as glacier lakes. Because of the pressure of the snow and ice over the top of the mountains, the lower layer of ice melts and the water molecules are driven into the rock below, dissolving minerals and, through the pores in the rock, the molecules travel down the minute channels which merge into bigger veins and traverse the whole length and breadth of the continents. The channels get broken, occasionally, near the surface of the earth and we get springs. The journey of the water into the Earth continues until the water molecules get heated up into steam. Thereafter, the hot steam may once again travel to the higher strata of the contentment or spread even below the ocean bottom. On account of very high pressure, steam pierces the bottom of the oceans and we have fresh water springs in the oceans, of which we know very little.
I would like to call the study of this invisible water molecules "molecular hydrology". Obviously, this study will have to be conducted by a team of experts in various fields such as geography, geology, geophysics, oceanography, hydrology etc. which may yield surprising results.
The Pressure Cooker Model
A hydrological explanation for Earth Quakes, Volcanoes, Tsunami et al
The bottom of the oceans is subjected to very high pressure of the order of about 1000 atmospheres and millions of years the high pressure drives water molecules which may link up with subterranean water channels criss-crossing the continental rock system. Naturally, this region receives geothermal energy from the interior of the earth, resulting in high pressure steam in all the regions, circling the entire globe, up to the zones where basalt begins to melt.
Whenever and wherever the pressure becomes too high the steam is let off through holes in the bottom of the oceans or in the continental shelf itself. These springs come into contact with the water near zero temperature resulting in two way movement of water; if the water holes are sufficiently large, the possibility of ocean water entering inside the steam zone cannot be ruled out. The instantaneous conversion of water into steam, thereafter, can create havoc in the whole region. The sudden withdrawal of the sea and its massive resurgence during Tsunami can be explained this way.
The molten interior of the earth may be influenced by gravitational forces of the Sun and Moon, much as a balloon filled with water can be stretched, affecting the strain on the crust of the earth (Internal tides? Half of the earth in the region of Pacific Ocean is less in mass than the other half, where the Himalaya mountains greatly adds to the mass of the earth. This results in a slight deviation of the center of gravity of the earth being slightly away from the geometric center. This deviation is further enhanced by the pull of the Sun and the Moon during new Moon days. The Hindus believe that Amavas (New Moon) is inauspicious for all purposes. As children we were given holiday during Amavas days, from the study of Vedas. A computer study of the accidents during the days near Avawas and the rest of the days of the month may confirm this belief. It is generally of observed that earthquakes etc. occur during or near full Moon or new Moon days.
The crust of the earth supporting continents and oceans is resting on a zone of steam very much like the vent weight of a pressure cooker!
Underwater Research Station
This can be designed after the manner of a space craft with strong outer casing whose volume can be increased or decreased at will, say, by operating a sliding dome, so that the craft may by allowed to sink down or go up in water or remain stationary. By providing fin-like flaps to be operated manually, this craft can be balanced. Propellers around the craft can be used to effect side-wise movement.
Future Possibilities
If we are able to bore a well into the sea bottom, it may be possible to get unlimited quantities of steam out of the "pressure cooker", for operating thermal power stations, as they are doing in Iceland.. Steam can also be used as fuel for cooking etc. Treasures in the form of minerals may be fished out of the sea bottom.
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